Date: July 21-27, 2024
Place: Madrid, Spain
Organization: Sociedad Botánica Española (SEBOT) i Real Jardín Botánico.
The IBC takes place every six years under the supervision of the International Association for Botanical and Mycological Societies (IABMS). The 20th edition will be held in Madrid.
Although this congress is known for its trajectory in botanical systematics, it has become an integrated forum that includes a broad typology of botanical and mycologic studies.
Main topics:
- Systematics, phylogenetics, biogeography and evolution
- Ecology, environment and global change, including invasive species and plant-animal interactions
- Biodiversity and conservation
- Structure, physiology and development, including Evo-Devo
- Genetics, genomics and bioinformatics
- Plants and Society
More information may be found on the following link.