Date: June 21, 2023.
Time: 12:30h PM CEST.
Location: Virtual.
Organization: LOEWE Centre for Translational Biodiversity and PacBio.
Free event
Scientists from Europe and beyond will share their experiences using highly accurate long-read sequencing (HiFi sequencing), to generate reference-quality genomes of taxonomically diverse organisms to address key biological questions.
Register today to join the HiFi sequencing community and learn how you can use highly accurate long-read sequencing to advance your research.
Aquest simposi comptarà amb la conferència “A worldwide invasive pangenome sheds light on multiple molecular evolutionary processes” a càrrec de Carles Galià-Camps, estudiant de doctorat de la Universitat de Barcelona i l’Institut de Recerca de la Biodiversiat (IRBio). On es parlarà del genoma de Styela plicata, espècie seqüenciada sota el paraïgues de la Iniciativa Catalana per a l’Earth Biogenome Project.
The conference “A worldwide invasive pangenome sheds light on multiple molecular evolutionary processes” will be held by Carles Galià Camps, PhD candidate from the Universitat de Barcelona – IRBio and member of the Catalan Initiative for the Earth Biogenome Project.
More information may be found on the following link.