Biodiversity Genomics 2023 will take place October 2-6.
BG23 is free to attend, thanks to the generosity of sponsors and core support from the Wellcome Sanger Institute Tree of Life programme and Biodiversity Genomics Europe.
What to expect at BG23
Join thousands of researchers worldwide to hear all the latest findings and ideas as we strive to complete the goals of the Earth BioGenome Project: “sequencing life for the future of life”.
The meeting will be a mix of sessions with invited talks, including keynote presentations, and open sessions of shorter talks proposed by researchers around the world. There will be a focus on regional initiatives and on the global drive to ensure equity and justice in biodiversity sequencing.
BG23 Schedule
BG2023 will run from Monday 02 October to Thursday 05 October 2023.
The first day of the conference will be hosted by Biodiversity Genomics Europe. BGE is a pan-European consortium leading the way towards the comprehensive application of genomic science to biodiversity research, driving fundamental advances in conservation science and policy.
BG23 will then continue with three sets of daily sessions, each focussed on a different set of global time zones.
- Day 1 03 October will be in daytime in the Americas
- Day 2 04 October will be in daytime in Africa and Europe
- Day 3 05 October will be in daytime in Australasia and Asia

Follow @BiodivGenomics for the latest updates, and tweet about the event with #BG23
Registration free-of-charge HERE.