Biodiversity Genomics Academia

Biodiversity Genomics Academia

What is BGA23? Biodiversity Genomics Academy 2023 (BGA23) is a series of free, open to all, online-only, short, interactive sessions on how to use the bioinformatics tools and approaches that underpin the Earth Biogenome Project (EBP). Registrations now...
I CBP Congress

I CBP Congress

The Catalan Initiative for the Earth Biogenome Project (CBP), affiliated to the EBP and associated with the European Reference Genome Atlas (ERGA), aims to produce a detailed catalog of the genome of the eukaryotic species of territories of Catalan language and...
XI Symposium of Bioinformatics and Genomics

XI Symposium of Bioinformatics and Genomics

Date: December 14-15, 2023. Place: Auditori del CosmoCaixa, Museu de la Ciència,  C/ d’Isaac Newton, 26, Barcelona. Organization: Secció de Bioinformàtica i Genòmica de la Societat Catalana de Biologia (SCB). More information may be found on the...
Senckenberg Biodiversity Genomics Symposium 2023

Senckenberg Biodiversity Genomics Symposium 2023

Date: June 21, 2023. Time: 12:30h PM CEST. Location: Virtual. Organization: LOEWE Centre for Translational Biodiversity and PacBio. Free event Scientists from Europe and beyond will share their experiences using highly accurate long-read sequencing (HiFi...